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The following information is important for a quotation:
Name and Surname: *
E-mail Address: *
Mobile Number:
Telephone Number:
Fax Number:
City: *
Province: *
Borehole Depth: The total drilling depth of the borehole
Pump Depth: *The depth that the pump will be installed
Head Of Pipe Works: What is the difference in height between the top of the borehole and the highest point in the pipeline
Pipeline Distance: What is the total length of the pipeline from borehole to outlet
Pipe Diameters And Type: The size of the inside diameters (mm) and what kind of pipe (class 6LDPE etc.)
Pressure Require: If you know how much pressure you need
Delivery Require (L/H): How much water you need to pump (per day)
Purpose For Use Of Pumps: For water in a tank, dam, etc
Any Other Information: Notes
Must The Quotation include Transport Fees: *--Select Option--YesNoIf yes, remember that transport addresses must be inside a city
How To Receive the Quotation: *--Select Option--Via EmailVia Mobile SMSVia Mobile CallVia Telephone CallVia FaxWhat is your preferred way of receiving the Quotation
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