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Mono Horizontal High Head Pump Quotation

High head progressing cavity mono positive displacement pumps are ideal for pumping water from dams and rivers.  HD is capable of heads of up to 450m and flows of up to 60 000l/h


The Following information is important for a quotation:

The suction is from pump level to lowest part of suction pipe

What is the difference in height between the pump and the highest point in the pipeline

What is the total length of the pipeline from the pump to the outlet

The size of the inside diameters (mm) and what kind of pipe (class 6 LDPE etc.)

If you know how much pressure you need

How much water you need to punmp (per hour, minute, second, ect.)

For irrigation, water in a tank, dam, etc

Notes (total sprinklers, etc)

Engine, Motor, etc

If yes, remember that transport addresses must be inside a city

What is your preferred way of receiving the Quotation

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